Sunday, August 2, 2009

Random chart...

In France the masses take their vacation pretty much at the same time, and there is a mass migration of northerners to the sunny south, etc.. As you might imagine the traffic can be pretty bad when everyone is traveling the same roads to the same destinations! Luckily there is the Bison Futé.

From the web site: " In 1975 more than 600 km of traffic jams on the N10 were recorded, between Paris and Spain. This led to the creation of an extensive communication campaign for road users: Bison Futé, the reference for traffic forecasting was born. To begin with, Bison Futé only provided information on certain main roads, suggesting alternative routes in the summer for the main getaway periods. It would gradually extend its influence over the whole of the road network, all year round, to become the reference for public traffic information in real time today.

Le Bison Futé

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